Our Vision
Alberta will rightfully become a new Sovereign Constitutional Democracy that recognizes the Supremacy of God and the rule of law with individual freedoms and rights, a shining beacon to the world as the safest, healthiest and most prosperous free country in which to live.

Our Mission
- Assert our independence and redefine our relationship with Canada
- Affirm all individual freedoms and rights
- Establish an accountable Alberta Police Force
- Establish the Alberta Revenue Agency to collect all taxes
- Establish our own Pension Plan
- Establish our own Employment Insurance Plan
- Establish our own Immigration Policy
- Be governed by our own Environmental Act
- Continue to develop and transport our natural resources responsibly
- Develop new trade agreements with other provinces and nations
- Develop the highest quality and immediate access to healthcare
- Develop our education system to exceed international standards
- Create a “Constitution of Alberta” with, and for, all Albertans
- Hold a referendum on Independence
Help us promote our mission and vision!